Thursday, November 20, 2008

Luke meets the real Elmo

Today at work Luke got to meet the real Elmo. Luke really enjoyed having his picture taken with him. He hugged him so much that when he walked away Elmo told him he wanted one more hug! Luke ran back over to him, it all happened so fast that I didn't have time to take another picture. Luckily I did get some cute pictures.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthday Party #2

Luke had his birthday party at the "jump-jump" place. He had a blast!!! We had to go early because he couldn't wait at home any longer. We sat in the parking lot and I explained that it was someone else's party and he had to wait his turn. He was ok with that, I guess, since he could see the place. Once we went inside he was off and running. He was a wild man! He was so busy that he really didn't have time to visit with anyone. He could barely decide which one he wanted to go on, it was like he had never been there before. Everyone got to see his true personality when we opening gifts. I told him one gift was from Erin and he started singing "Happy Birthday to Erin". I'll blame it on all of the sugar.

Actual Birthday

On Monday I cooked dinner and got another cake-and more presents!

Birthday Party #1

Eric's parents gave Luke a great party for the family that couldn't make it to his big party. He got so many presents-what a lucky little boy!

Halloween at Nannie's

After the school picnic we headed over to Ashley's so the boys could play. They made cupcakes, imagine that, Luke wanted blue. The kids had a lot of fun and got plenty of candy. Luke would go up to the houses and say, "Happy Halloween!!" Sometimes he would say Trick-or-Treat. Maybe now we can actually put his costume up.